Almost Done – Radio Update 2

The end is in sight. We have just about everything done!

This week consisted of us turning in our voice lines to each other through our Discord and shared Google Doc. We had a harsh deadline of getting these in by Tuesday so that we could patch everything together by the end of the week and have time to fix anything, if necessary! But the end is in sight, and we’re gonna get it finished.

For our voice lines, the majority of us used AI speech to text. A couple of us used ElevenLabs, but I’m not entirely sure what everyone used. Sarah ended up using her own voice, which is really cool! I considered, but decided not to because I don’t feel like I have the Sol vibe. I wanted Sol to be more monotone or just slow, but I am not good at talking monotone or slow. I’m actually happy with the voice I chose! It’s different from one I used in the past, but this one feels a lot more like them than the last one I used.

After putting in our voice lines, we split up to work on patching the audios together in parts. The parts were: introduction to the radio, introductions, interview Part A, commercial break 1, interview Part B, commercial break 2, interview Part C, and the ending. The intro and ending also include commercials and bumpers. We did these individual, and tomorrow, Sarah offered to patch all of them together for the final radio, and we’ll be done!

I’ve put together a couple, and we only have one left before putting everything together. It was easy putting it together! We put everything in SoundCloud and turned our downloads on, and I used Audacity and fiddled with the volume of some of the audios to make them sound easy. We also used our good friend Freesound for sound effects like clapping, cheering, booing, etc.

Overall, I’m so excited to see this completed tomorrow. And I’m very happy to have had the group that I have. I’ve had a really good time throughout this all!

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