I almost missed this assignment completely, but here we are!
I put together a logo for Ravioli Radio, the radio I’m working on with my group, making sure to include the two most important features of it: a cat and a moped.
I put this together in Canva and used a built-in template only to change it up completely and not use any of the original features it had, but it gave me inspiration! The moped and the cat are just two little free designs you can use through Canva!
This was fun!! I like the cute and bubbly design of it, even though I think it contrasts Dr. Ravioli. Dr. Ravioli’s very monotone, definitely not bubbly, but I love the irony behind having a cutesy logo only for a very monotone radio.
I’m not sure what else to add, but I showed the group and they all really liked it, so I’m happy!! They talked about printing it out and it made me feel warm and good 🙂
This logo is good! Simple yet cute.
thank you!!